
标题: 超逼真擎天柱大黄蜂惊现国外[4P] [打印本页]

作者: 我学者    时间: 2012-8-27 14:03
标题: 超逼真擎天柱大黄蜂惊现国外[4P]

          还有什么更好的办法对今年夏天的泵新的变形金刚电影比3一个巨大的汽车!Thailand-based artist Anchalee Saengtai is the mastermind behind this 19 foot tall Optimus Prime. Thailand-based艺术家Anchalee Saengtai摄魂师背后是19英尺高的擎天柱。She created him entirely out of spare automobile and truck parts...or, in essence, junk! 她创造了他的全部业余汽车和卡车零件…或著,在本质上,垃圾!She also made 8 foot versions of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. 她还8英尺版本的擎天柱和大黄蜂。Lucky for us, her Autobots will be traveling the world with Ripley’s Believe It or Not!幸运的是,我们的汽车,她将会游历世界里普利先生的信不信由你!
“These car-part Transformers are the most amazing thing we’ve ever found,” Ripley Entertainment exec Edward Meyer said in a statement. “Anchalee and her team can build them to specification from recycled junk cars using only the simplest of tools.” The Transformers sculptures will be held at the Ripley Odditoriums in New York City, London, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and Jeju Island, South Korea. “这些car-part变压器     是     最令人惊异的事情我们从未发现,“雷普利娱乐exec爱德华。梅耶说在一份声明中说。Anchalee和她的团队可以建造从回收垃圾汽车规格只使用简单的工具。”《变形金刚》的雕塑将于雷普利Odditoriums在纽约,伦敦,桃金娘海滩、北卡罗来纳、高岛,韩国。Two of the Autobots are slated to arrive at the one in Hollywood later in the year. 两个汽车人将到达一个在好莱坞在今年晚些时候。The movie is set to release June 29.这部电影讲的是6月29日开始发行。

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